Friday, 3 February 2012

Spondylosis: Wear and Tear of Your Spine is a Common Cause of Neck Pain

By James Tan

More of than not, sufferers of neck pain find that they have cervical spondylosis as a diagnosis

Spondylosis is a degenerative condition of the spine vertebral joints. It is also commonly known as Cervical Spondylosis or Lumbar Spondylosis when it occurs in the neck and lower back respectively.

This degeneration is a result of wear-and-tear. The bones and cartilage wear down, narrowing the spaces between the vertebrae. This reduction of space between the vertebrae is what causes the pain sensations.

It is through these gap-spaces that nerves from the spine exit out to the rest of the body. Nerves exiting near the neck, spread out to the upper body including the arms and fingers. As the gap narrows, it impinges on the exiting nerves.

This mapping of the location of the nerve impingement and where the pain is felt is related to something known as the Dermatome pattern.

Oddly enough, even as the spinal joints are degenerating from wear-and-tear, the body reacts by growing additional bone spurs or osteophytes. These bones spurs help provide additional anchor points to stabilise the vertebral joint.

Unfortunately, these bone spurs can sometime further aggravate the spondylosis condition by pressing onto a nerve themselves.

It is only the nerves are impinged or pressed on do we experience pain or numbness. Wear-and-tear or Spondylosis alone does not cause neck pain.

It is common to find cervical spondylosis or lumbar spondylosis in older adult as they age given the wear-and-tear they experience. However, it is increasingly common to find spondylosis in the younger population in their 20s and 30s.

So one should not be alarm when the results of an x-ray or MRI show some wear-and-tear of your vertebral spinal joint even if you think you are relatively young.

Computer-related desk work today has exacerbated the wear-and-tear of the spinal joints from long poor static postures and highly repetitive movements.

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