Many people in our society will suffer from low back pain some time in their lives and it is very important when it happens to you to figure out why it is happening. Once you have had the problem diagnosed it is possible to fix it and not just mask the symptoms with pain killers which are only a temporary solution anyway.
The most and foremost thing is to find out the cause of the pain and to get rid of that cause instead of allowing that to make the pain worse. If we keep hitting our self with a hammer, we are only adding to the injury and delaying the improvement of the painful condition. So we have to find out the definite cause of the pain and root it out completely.
We have to make a detailed observation to find out if the pain in our back is affected by certain particular activities like bending, sitting, walking etc. And if we realize that these activities are contributing to the pain, we should reduce these activities.
The best way to relax your back is lie flat on the floor, on the back, stomach or sideways, whatever comforts you. I implement the manual / mechanical tractions for my patients as a treatment in physical therapy. All that unnecessary weight and stress is taken away from their joints, discs, nerves and local structures with the help of tractions; it is very much like putting an inversion table to use, so as to relax the spinal cord.
Then decide on the role movement plays in your pain. Is it worse when you are moving or when you are staying still? If you are sitting for long periods of time, for instance, and feel pain, then that is a signal that you need to get up and move around more often to allow your spine some flexibility and for you to feel better.
Rest and relaxation is important for the healing process. This sort of a pain needs a lot of rest and we should curtail our physical activities to a great extent, whatever and wherever it may be, either in the house or office, to get relief.
Also think about whether your pain is worsened by arching the spine or by bending it the other way. There are things going on in your spine that make the discs go one way or the other and if you move your back the wrong way you are going to be emphasizing the problem rather than correcting it so do not go into any place of pain.
So, after examining all the pain intensifying factors, you can help your back by simply not doing those activities and doing more of the comforting ones.
The most and foremost thing is to find out the cause of the pain and to get rid of that cause instead of allowing that to make the pain worse. If we keep hitting our self with a hammer, we are only adding to the injury and delaying the improvement of the painful condition. So we have to find out the definite cause of the pain and root it out completely.
We have to make a detailed observation to find out if the pain in our back is affected by certain particular activities like bending, sitting, walking etc. And if we realize that these activities are contributing to the pain, we should reduce these activities.
The best way to relax your back is lie flat on the floor, on the back, stomach or sideways, whatever comforts you. I implement the manual / mechanical tractions for my patients as a treatment in physical therapy. All that unnecessary weight and stress is taken away from their joints, discs, nerves and local structures with the help of tractions; it is very much like putting an inversion table to use, so as to relax the spinal cord.
Then decide on the role movement plays in your pain. Is it worse when you are moving or when you are staying still? If you are sitting for long periods of time, for instance, and feel pain, then that is a signal that you need to get up and move around more often to allow your spine some flexibility and for you to feel better.
Rest and relaxation is important for the healing process. This sort of a pain needs a lot of rest and we should curtail our physical activities to a great extent, whatever and wherever it may be, either in the house or office, to get relief.
Also think about whether your pain is worsened by arching the spine or by bending it the other way. There are things going on in your spine that make the discs go one way or the other and if you move your back the wrong way you are going to be emphasizing the problem rather than correcting it so do not go into any place of pain.
So, after examining all the pain intensifying factors, you can help your back by simply not doing those activities and doing more of the comforting ones.